The added value of the web
RGA Project
Consulting and web based applications that look to the future
From the workshop to the web... it has never been easier!
RGA PROJECT® was founded in 2005 as a service and consultancy company with high added value, in the field of Opening / Closing Systems with regard to Technical Inspections, Product Certification, Personnel Training.
Backed by the long professional experience of its founder Ing. Antonio Abbiati, RGA PROJECT® started the process of transforming the Business Consulting activity by combining the potential of technologies and information systems with the specific technical skills of its TEAMWORK.

Innovation as an opportunity...
In order to be competitive, professional businesses are everyday faced to deal with the changes that surround them, especially they need to look at the market in which they operate.
This means paying attention to the needs of its customers, to the answers that the market is offering them, to the still “unexplored” possibilities and always keep an eye out for “unexplored” opportunities.
Today the great opportunity for each of us is to rethink our business, accept the challenge of change, adopt innovative strategies and tools.
Competence and speed...
From the beginning in 2005, RGA PROJECT has been committed to innovating the features and provisions of its services.
In the last ten years, in particular, the goal has been to integrate two worlds: product certification to web based applications.
Provide SMEs and professional businessess, which will have to operate in an increasingly global world, effective tools relying on professionals in the sector to be:
- faster
- Always ready to meet market demands
- more competitive

Hybrid Working …the new Digital Workstyle
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out, in a sensitive way, the objective difficulties in organizing and redistributing work outside conventional locations … the walls of the Company.
The use of Smart Working made it possible to make up for office activities carried out from home but left uncovered all the activities performed in work sites.
The new work model we will have to deal with immediately has already a name and it’s called Hybrid Working and represents the continuous sharing of information between the office, home, work sites and customers.

Our Numbers
CE Declarations
CE Marking
User Manuals
Over the years we have built collaborations and synergies with service companies, conformity assessment institutes and certification laboratories, consulting firms, engineering companies, hosting providers, etc. The development of these relationships is among the most important and significant activities of RGA Project.
Our partners are one of the important assets of RGA Project, for their precious contribution to the continuous growth of our business. RGA Project often finds itself working closely with one or more of them to provide its customers with an increasingly competitive offer and support.
Our partners integrate the technological capabilities of RGA Project, allowing us to focus on our core business, and to develop the innovations that will allow us to offer next generation web based applications.